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With the emphasis on technology these days and the prevalence of smart phones and tablet computers we thought it would be helpful to provide you with some “apps” (applications for smart phones/tablets) that may help your student with concepts they are learning, provide extra help in a particular subject, inform you, or might just be a fun academic game. These can all be found in the iTunes store. Check to see if you can find them in your Android market place too! If you have suggestions for more helpful apps that we should add to the list, let us know!

Khan Academy “Allows you to learn almost anything for free!” Tutorials on many subjects. Has specific Khan apps for Pre Algebra, Algebra I, Biology, and many others Free
Scholastic Storia “Free eReading app to access age-appropriate eBooks.” Some books are free, some are not. Free
Core Standards For parents and students! “A great reference for students and parents to understand the Core Standards.” Free 

"At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child's success is the positive involvement of parents." (Jane D. Hull)